Collection: AIRY-ECOSWACH™

Price of Swatch Card: €168
-Product Features-
New Material, Renewable Source
Proprietary Technology, Flexible & Water-Resistant
Top Artisan Handmade Quality
100% Genuine Premium-Quality Silk
Cruelty-Free Silk, Resin-Free Substrate
Applications In Luxury Products
-Order Sample Swatch Card-
To place order for a single swatch card consisting of eight AIRY-ECOSWACH™ samples (i.e. 8 samples of different shades/textures, dimensions: 2cm x 2cm each), please write to indicating your corporate info, contact details, order quantities & intended use / applications in jewellery industry.
Michel Leng-D & Co. is the Sole Distributor for AIRY-ECOSWACH™ worldwide.

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